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The Cupcake Coven Page 14

  He sat up straighter. “Very close? You’re sure? What do you mean? Close time-wise or close distance-wise?”

  “Both. I’d be surprised if you haven’t crossed paths already.”

  “Shoot! I knew that girl looked familiar.”

  Hanna tipped her head. “You saw her?”

  “I thought I did. Ethan said he might have seen her too. Apparently she’s been changin’ her hair color like she used to change her clothes…which was all the time.”

  “Young people her age experiment with different looks.”

  “I know, but you were talking about an internal change earlier. Now you think it’s external too?”

  “You tell me.”

  “I saw someone during the zombie race. Her eyes were blue, but her hair was all wrong.”

  “What was different about the girl you saw? Just her hair color?”

  “Not just. It was short and she had bangs. Shasta would never have cut her hair like that. And the color—way off. It was kind of dark blonde and dull. What she used to call ‘dishwater blonde.’”

  “Did she used to spend a lot of time in the sun?”

  “Yes, ma’am. She was outdoors as much as possible.”

  Hanna sighed. “Ever hear of the sun lightening blond hair?”

  “Well, yeah. What are you sayin’? Maybe she’s indoors a lot now?”

  “Maybe she’s trying to return to her natural color, but black to blonde is quite a leap. It could be that she went with a more natural tone to match the roots. Women do that if they’re sick of dying their hair. Witches tend to go natural. You said she’s Wiccan, right?”

  “Yes. Very much so. That’s why I was sure I’d find her in your company.”


  “What are you thinkin’?”

  “Is there any chance she’s lost her memory?”

  Dru’s jaw dropped. Why hadn’t he thought of that? Maybe she looked right at him in that zombie race and didn’t remember him. That would explain the internal change. “Fuck.”

  Hanna chuckled. “No thank you, but Rebecca might be up for it.”

  Dru laughed. He felt lighter as hope filtered in.

  That lasted about two seconds. Rebecca’s panicked voice called out, “Dru? Dru! Come quick.”

  Dru jumped up and dashed to the storefront. Whoa! Some guy was holding Rebecca at gunpoint. He raised his voice, so Hanna could, hopefully, overhear. “Put down the gun. We don’t want any trouble.”

  Hanna strode around the corner and folded her arms. “Really? Some idiot’s stupid enough to hold up the Bewitching Bakery?”

  “Stay where you—”

  Hanna snapped her fingers, and the guy froze mid-sentence.

  Dru switched on the safety and pried the gun from the criminal’s warm hand. Then he yanked the guy’s arm away from Rebecca and she stepped out of his grasp.

  She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank Goddess you were here, Hanna. I don’t know how to do that yet.”

  Dru waved a hand in front of the guy’s eyes. He didn’t move or blink. In fact, his mouth was still forming his next word—‘ah.’ He had a Boston accent.

  “What did he want, hon? Was it a plain old robbery or some goon lookin’ for your dad’s gambling debt?”

  “Dru!” Rebecca’s face reddened and she glanced at Hanna.

  “He’s not telling me anything I didn’t already know,” Hanna said.

  Psychics. He’d have shaken his head, but she pulled him out of the hot water he’d just dunked himself in.

  Rebecca wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. “Yes. He was looking for the money, or the For Sale sign out front.”

  “Don’t sell,” Hanna said. “Bind the bastard.”

  “That’s just it. I did. Only it was a couple of different bastards last time.”

  “Shoot. I hate when they have accomplices.” Hanna glanced around. “What do we have to tie him up with? I think a truth spell is in order.”

  Rebecca snapped her fingers. “Brilliant. Can you carry him into the kitchen, Dru?

  One last pass around his body and he was completely cocooned in plastic wrap. Rebecca cut off the excess and stepped back so Hanna could do her truth spell.

  Hanna had raided Rebecca’s altar drawers in order to find what she needed, and was now mixing herbs together in a mini cauldron. She touched the top of the dried contents with a match and fire sprang up. She waited until the fire went out on its own, then waved the resulting smoke under the gangster’s nose.

  “What do we say to do the spell?” Rebecca asked.

  “To bind the spell well every time, try to say the words in rhyme.”

  Rebecca groaned. “I’m so not good at that.”

  Hanna chuckled.

  The gunman awoke with a start, then frowned and gazed down at his body as he tried in vain to move. “What the fuck?”

  Hanna waved another curl of smoke under his nose. He seemed to relax, but still regarded the others warily.

  “Speak your truth, whole and complete. Do not try to hide or cheat.” Rebecca folded her arms and tried to look tough.

  “We have a few questions,” Hanna said. “You will answer them fully and truthfully.”


  “Because you’re under my influence and I asked you to. What is your name?”

  “Terrance Fritz Mikuluck, but I prefer to be called Terror.”

  Dru glanced at Rebecca. “Yup. Anyone who fesses up to a name like that must be under a truth spell.”

  Hanna hushed him with a stern look. “Rebecca, why don’t you ask him what you want to know.”

  “Okay.” She stepped into the guy’s line of vision and took a deep breath. “Who sent you?”

  “My boss. Marvelous Marv.”

  “Does he have a more official name?”

  “I don’t know it.”

  “What about the other two guys who came here before? One was short with a moustache and the other was tall with a scar across his cheek. Did they work for Marv?”

  “Yes. Dom and Fred. They got homesick. Went back to their families in New Jersey.”

  “Hmmm…” Dru whispered to Hanna. “Does that mean Rebecca’s bindin’ spell worked?”

  Hanna nodded.

  “Impressive,” he murmured.

  “What does Marv want?”

  “He wants his money. He loaned your father two hundred grand. He owes three-hundred grand now with the interest. You’re supposed to come up with it by Sunday or sell the place and give him the cash.”

  “What if I can’t?”

  “He said if you don’t, I can break your left leg. Next time, your right leg.”

  “Like hell,” Dru exclaimed.

  Shock waves ripped through Rebecca. If Terry hadn’t been under a truth spell, she’d have thought he was bluffing.

  Dru stepped up and curled his arm around her. “Let me ask a couple of questions.”

  She nodded numbly and the guy’s gaze shifted to Dru.

  “Where is he?”



  “I don’t know where Marv is at the moment. He moves around. He has lots of other guys working for him. We’re all good at breaking legs.”

  “Oh!” Rebecca squeaked. Her hands covered her mouth. I need to let Dru finish the questioning. She had a feeling his head was clearer at the moment. Rebecca wanted to cry, but she had to hold her emotions in check.

  “How many other guys work for Marv?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve seen half a dozen. He’s not just a loan shark. He has other businesses too. Drugs and guns mostly. ”

  Rebecca’s knees gave way and she sagged to the floor. “Dammit…”

  Hanna helped her onto a chair and gave her a paper bag to breathe into. “I—I’m fine. We’ll need to get the police involved. I’m sure of that now.”

  Dru twisted to glance at Hanna. “Will the police believe you if you say you used a truth spell to get the information?”

na smirked. “I can use another spell if they don’t.”

  He smiled. “Witches come in handy when you need one. Rebecca, I’ll call the cops.” He took his cell phone out of his pocket.

  Hanna nodded. “They may know who this Marvelous Marv is. If not, this guy will keep telling the truth as long as I have him under the spell.”

  “How can you guarantee he’ll tell the truth if the police take over?” Dru asked.

  Hanna shrugged. “Who said I was going to release him from the spell?” Hanna stepped in front of the man and focused on his eyes. “I want you to waive your right to a phone call and a lawyer. You will tell the police everything…and you’ll sign a full confession.”

  They guy looked horror stricken. “Everything? I don’t even remember some of the stuff I’ve done. Like, when I was an altar boy…”

  Hanna pinched the bridge of her nose. “I mean everything related to this loan shark and drug dealer, including his sending you here and what you did today.”

  The guy nodded. “Okay. I guess I’ll be going to jail, now.”

  “Maybe this is a message from the universe, telling me to sell the business and go to work for someone else.” Rebecca dropped onto her living room sofa.

  “No,” Dru said. He sat next to her and curled an arm around her shoulder. “You’ll regret it and you shouldn’t have to pay for your father’s stupidity. The police are onto them now, and they said they’ll patrol the neighborhood more frequently.”

  Rebecca rolled her eyes. “Oh, sure. That’ll help. They could have rolled by when Terry Fritz was holding a gun to my head and they’d have missed it. I don’t exactly have wall-to-wall windows here.”

  It was true. The shops in Market Square had good visibility, but Rebecca’s was more of a neighborhood bakery built into an old colonial house. The windows were normal sized for a home, not like a storefront, and unless it was dark out and the lights were on inside, no one could see anything from the street.

  Dru scratched his head. It was a little soon in their relationship, but she needed protection and he had to find another place to stay that was cheaper. Even the motel that left the light on for him would eat up his savings eventually.

  “Rebecca, I was thinkin’…”

  “Uh oh…” One side of her mouth curled up and he knew she was kidding, but even so…he might well be out of his mind.

  “Sorry,” she said and patted his thigh. “Tell me what you were thinking.”

  “Well, it’s not a permanent solution, and you’re free to say no, but…um…”

  Her brows knit as she waited. “But, um, what?”

  “Well, I could stay here with you. My room got robbed, and I moved to a local hotel. If you’re okay with my payin’ my old weekly rent for your storage room, it would help us both.”

  She raised her eyebrows but didn’t respond right away. He could tell she’d heard him, but didn’t have a clue what was going through her head.

  Finally she chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “My storage room? You want to sleep on bags of flour?”

  He chuckled too. “Yeah, right. With a bag of sugar for my pillow. Nah, I’d just be paying to stash my stuff there. As it is, I can barely afford the motel where my stuff is at, and I—well, I’m here with you most evenin’s anyway. It might be safer to have a man in the house all night.”

  She didn’t respond right away. At last she nodded. “I have a guest room, you know.”

  He smiled. “I figured if I asked for your guest room, you’d kick me outa your bed.”

  She laughed. “No danger of that, cowboy.”

  He tipped her chin up and held her gaze. “Does that mean you like sleepin’ with me?”

  She rose and held out her hand.

  I guess she’s gonna show me.

  She led him to her bedroom and unbuttoned his shirt. Instead of letting it drop onto the floor, she took it to her closet, shoved her clothes to one side and hung it up. Then she opened a drawer, pulled out her t-shirts and crammed them in the drawer with her sweaters.

  “This one’s yours.”

  He stared at her and wondered if she was just helping him out or if she wanted him there. It felt like they were moving awfully fast all of a sudden.

  “I mean it, Rebecca. I’m gonna pay you rent.”

  She shook her head. “For a drawer and a section of my closet? I don’t think so.”

  “Don’t make me point out the fact that you can’t afford to turn it down, darlin’.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Either I’m a lousy landlord or a good girlfriend. I know what I’d rather be, but it’s ultimately up to you.”

  Now he felt like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. One false move…

  “Look, I have no illusions about this,” Rebecca continued. “As soon as you find Shasta, you’re going back to Texas. Hanna says you’re close, but it could be two days, two weeks or another two months. At any rate, you said you’re not leaving without her, and I believe you.”

  “So, it sounds like you’re just doin’ this to help me out,” he said.

  She stopped and looked like she was thinking about it. At last she folded her arms and said, “Pretty much. Yes, it would be nice, and possibly safer, to have you here at night, but I’ll be fine alone when you leave. The police will probably lock up the loan shark in a couple of days.”

  “Hopefully.” Dru pulled her into a hug. She ran her fingers over his bare back and the warmth of her fingers was nothing compared to the warmth she generated inside of him.

  “Rebecca,” he murmured. Without saying another word, he swept her up in his arms and laid her on her girlie bed.

  “I was thinking of taking a shower.” She smiled up at him with a twinkle in her brown eyes. “Want to join me?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Dru extended his hand and helped Rebecca up. She led the way to the bathroom, unbuttoning her white blouse while Dru followed, admiring her tight round bum. As soon as they got there, he dropped his jeans and helped her off with hers.

  She turned on the spray and while the water heated, she slipped her hands around his waist and tipped up her face.

  Perfect. Everything about her was perfect—except that she lived in New Hampshire and he lived in Texas. Over a thousand miles away. Maybe two thousand. He couldn’t concentrate on mileage while she was begging to be kissed. Her tongue flicked out and wet her luscious lips.

  He descended upon her like a starving man. They groped and devoured each other until the heat and steam from the shower reached them. Or was it from their own bodies?

  At any rate, Rebecca grabbed the handle and adjusted the water temperature. “Tell me how you like it.”

  “Up against the wall, on the seat, hands and knees…I’m not picky.”

  Rebecca shot him an exasperated smile. “I meant the shower spray.”

  He chuckled. “I know you did.” He held his palm under the very warm, but not too hot water. “Perfect.” Just like you.

  She slipped around the curtain and held it for him to join her. The shower was free-standing with a small tile lip, not part of a bathtub.

  Rebecca held her head under the spray and got her hair nice and wet. Then she turned Dru until he was under the spray. As they kissed, he smelled something minty, then felt Rebecca’s fingers massaging his scalp. Ahhh…that’s so good. When he felt like he could be lulled to sleep that way, he heard a loud thump and suddenly his toe hurt.

  “Oops. Sorry,” Rebecca said. “My elbow knocked the shampoo off the shelf.”

  “No damage done.” Opening one eye, he spotted a bottle of natural shampoo on the shower floor. As she reached down to get it, he stood up straight and rinsed. He was just lowering his head as she stood up and his chin connected with the top of her head.

  “Ow.” She rubbed her head.

  “Sorry. Are you okay, darlin’?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine.”

  “Good thing you have a hard noggin. Your turn.”
He grabbed her arms and pushed her in front of the spray.

  “Wait.” She must have taken in some water, because next thing he knew she was sputtering and gasping.

  “Sheesh. Sorry about that. This ain’t as romantic as I pictured.”

  She giggled. “Maybe we should take turns. It’s kind of tight in here.”

  “I’m not givin’ up yet.” He grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted a dollop into his palm, then he smoothed it over Rebecca’s head. As soon as he’d worked up a good lather, he returned the scalp massage.

  “Mmmm…” Instead of standing still as he had, she grasped his cock and began to stroke.

  Whoa. Talk about feeling good! When she played with his balls, he groaned. Soon he couldn’t handle any more. “Time to rinse, darlin’.”

  She smiled and pivoted under the spray. Her hair looked twice as long as it cascaded down her back. He took advantage of the moment this time and cupped her breasts, which fit his hands perfectly, and he rubbed his thumbs over her nipples.

  She let out a low moan, reaching behind her for his cock again.

  “Not yet, love,” he said and drew her backward so she nestled against his chest. He reached between her thighs with one hand and cradled her breast with the other.

  She gasped as he tweaked and began massaging her most sensitive places. Dru took great satisfaction in how responsive she was and loved giving her pleasure. She held onto the metal grab bar and soon she trembled and whimpered.

  Almost there.

  She let out a cry and vibrated wildly. He kept up his love massage as she bucked and screamed out her release. Sometimes she practically melted into the bed after he brought her to orgasm, and he had a momentary vision of her slithering to the shower floor. He held on tight until she grabbed his hand and yanked it away from her clit.

  “No. More. Can’t. Take. Any. More.”

  He chuckled and pressed a kiss to her temple. “How about if we towel off and move to the bedroom?”

  “Not yet, darlin’,” she said and grinned. Apparently she’d learned to mimic his accent as well as his expressions. Not perfectly, but he gave her cute points for trying.

  She had a small wooden bench on one side of the shower. They’d avoided it during their foreplay, but the way she was eyeing it, he’d guess she had plans for it now.